A word of thanks to our supporters

We want to make our work as accessible as possible so we are extremely grateful to all our current funders:

Active Kent & Medway
Applause Rural Touring
Arts Council England
Beckenham Theatre Trust
Beee Creative
Canterbury City Council
Colyer Fergusson Charitable Trust
Dover Town Council
Foyle Foundation
Garfield Weston Foundation
Henry Smith Charity
Ideas Test
Maidstone Borough Council
Maidstone Leisure Trust
People’s Postcode Lottery
Phillip & Connie Phillips Foundation
POW Thanet
Social Enterprise Kent
The Considered Ask
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund
University of Kent School of Arts

And all the many wonderful individuals who have supported us throughout our development.

Will you join this amazing club?

You can help us at no cost to yourself by signing up for GIVE AS YOU LIVE

You can also make a donation or simply send a cheque, made payable to Moving Memory Dance Theatre Company, to help us deliver more performances and workshops.

Please note we are a charity and registered for Gift Aid so if you are sending a cheque, please confirm if you are a UK taxpayer by using our  Gift Aid form for donors.

Moving Memory Dance Theatre Co.

The Grand
The Leas
CT20 2LR

e: info@movingmemorydance.com
t: 07598 154252

If you would like to be kept up to date with the company’s activities, please join our mailing list: